Thursday, May 28, 2015

LOTF Ch.12 Journal

        I felt the end of the book was okay, I would have liked to have seen what happened after the rescue, as it was kind of sudden. Ralph cried at the end of the book because he was just about to be killed, his friends have been murdered, and he can finally leave that nightmare. I despise Jack the most because he was mean for no reason, selfish, and irrational. Also, his lack of understanding for the need for rescue, and putting hunting above it, caused him to be a annoying. I guess I would recommend the book, I don't like reading but it was short and entertaining.

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Ch.11 ?'s

1. Ralph's group decides they must go to Jack's group to get back Piggy's specs.
2.The twins for the first time are noticing Ralph's anger towards Jack.
3.Ralph's group still has morals, and is not willing to kill, whilst Jack's group doesn't.
4.Rodger pushes off the rock to show power, superiority, and make Ralph fearful.
5.The conch symbolizes order and it being shattered represents the end of order on the island.
6.The chief serves as a parental figure, guiding the group and solving problems.
7. Why did you feel the need to attack Jacks group when you could have just asked? Why are you so obsessed with hunting more then your rescue? Do you have any remorse for killing Simon and Piggy?
8.        The days on the island have faded from fun to sociopathic savagery. The time has come and the group has split and the blood of the innoncent has been shed and carried out to the sunset of the open water. Simon and Piggy were the thinkers and true helpers of the island and now they've been killed in the brutalist of ways.
            I dont know how much longer I can take on this island the chanting is audible and the lighting isn't striking the same spot twice. The group has waned and shrunk too only me. I have become the prey, the sow wandering in the jungle.

Monday, May 25, 2015

Ch.10 ?'s

1. In the beginning of the chapter Ralph and Piggy talk about the previous night with Ralph stating "that was murder." (Golding 156) and Piggy trying to rid the blame by saying things like "Coming in the dark-he hadn't no business crawling like that out of the dark. He was batty. He asked for it." (Golding 157) and "'It was an accident."' (Golding 157). Later, Ralph an Piggy decide to not tell Samneric that they took part in the dance and make themselves feel better by saying they were on the outside. Samneric decide on the same thing, "'Was it a good- '"... "'-dance?' Memory of the dance that none of them had attended shook all four boys convulsively.” (Golding 158).

2. Jack and Ralph's explanations of Simon's death differ. Jack believes that it was the beast in disguise, "He came-disguised." (Golding 160). Also, Jack is in denial, "'But didn't we, didn't we--?' He squirmed and looked down. 'No!'" (Golding 160).  Ralph on the other hand believes that it was murder but tries to rid of the blame by saying he didn’t take part when he knows he did.

3. Jack's order to have Wilfred beat shows his leadership is tyrannical and cruel. Also, Robert's statement, "'I don't know. He didn't say. He got angry and made us tie Wilfred up.'" (Golding 159) shows that his leadership is autocratic. Jack's ambush on Ralph's camp shows his savagery, “Someone tripped over Ralph and Piggy's corner became a complication of snarls and crashes and flying limbs. Ralph hit out; then he and what seemed like a dozen others were rolling over and over, hitting, biting, scratching.” (Golding 167).

* Jack is now the official leader as he is the one with the most power shown in his ambush. Also, he has more followers and now Piggy's glasses which are Ralph's whole plan.

Piggy: curls up
Ralph: bites someone’s finger, hammer fists Eric’s face
Sam: thrown off guard and got mixed up with himself in the corner
Eric: kneed Ralph between the legs
Jack: ambushes, fights, and steals Piggy's glasses
Rodger: ambushes, gets punched by Ralph and fights

Thursday, February 12, 2015

Ebola Editorial ?'s

1. Betsy McCaughey says the problem is Ebola patients should not be cared for in local hospitals, due to accidental spreading and death, but to build more bio-containment facilities for Ebola patients.

2. McCaughey's solution is to build more bio-containment facilities.

3. Sean Kaufman says the CDC’s guidelines for protective gear in treating Ebola patients is  “absolutely irresponsible and dead wrong.”

4.  Rep. Michael Burgess states CDC chief Frieden is more protected in Africa wearing a full head-to-toe suit then American nurses and doctors.

5. a) I agree with McCaughey's recommendation.
    b) My parents also agree with McCaughey's recommendation.

Monday, February 9, 2015

Article Summary

         In the formal article titled Congressman Tim Ryan Changes Position On Abortion After talking To Women, Laura Bassett discusses a congressman and his change of opinion on abortion. First, Basset states that recently Ryan has changed his mind on abortion and she also provides a quote. In the quote Ryan states he has changed his mind after interviewing multiple women and seeing how complex the situation really is, in the end he says “the heavy hand of the government must not make this decision for women and families.” Next Bassett introduces Ryan who was raised Catholic and has voted for numerous abortion restrictions since he was elected to congress in 2003 up until now. Also, Bassett inserts a direct quote from Ryan’s op-ed, that states as he got older his position has evolved and he respects both sides, but he restates his new opinion again, “we must trust women and families-not politicians-to make the best decision for their lives”. In addition, he believes government has the ability to play a significant role by giving woman and families the tools they need to prevent unintended pregnancies by expanding education and access to contraception. Finally, Bassett includes a quote from Stephanie Kight, CEO of Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio, “We look forward to working with Congressman Ryan to ensure that all women, no matter where they live or how much money they have, can access the care they need without political interference.”

Sunday, January 25, 2015

Essay: Conversion Therapy

             “I believe it causes all sorts of trauma and I know that there are people who have taken their life because they felt so ashamed of who they are and felt like God couldn’t love them as they are, and that’s something that will haunt me till the day I die” said Alan Chambers, Former President of Exodus International (most well-known conversion group). Conversion therapy is a very harmful practice that is only illegal to use on minors in California, New Jersey, Washington D.C., and needs to be illegal everywhere.
             The American Academy of Pediatrics, American Counseling Association, American Psychiatric Association, American Psychological Association, American School Counselors Association, National Association of School Psychologists, and National Association of Social Workers all say being a part of LGBTQ is not a disease and does not need to be “cured”. In conversion therapy, a method to “repair’ a man’s masculinity would be to participate in sports, avoid activities of interest to homosexuals, avoid women unless it’s for romantic contact, spend time with heterosexual men, attend church, and engage in heterosexual activity. Another method is spiritual condemnation such as this statement from a head pastor, John MacArthur, “alienate, isolate, not have a meal with and give over to Satan your homosexual child”. Lastly there is aversion treatment which involves causing pain and associating it with homosexual acts. Conversion therapy causes depression, suicidal thoughts/attempts, isolation, anxiety, and poor self-esteem.
             Recently Leelah Alcorn, a transgender girl, committed suicide because she felt the life she would’ve lived wasn’t worth living. In her suicide note she states she was taken to conversion therapy where she was told she was selfish and wrong. She also says that “The only way I’ll rest in peace is if one day transgender people aren’t treated the way I was, they’re treated like humans, with valid feelings and human rights”. Since her passing a petition to ban conversion therapy has been signed by 330,519 people.
            In conclusion, conversion therapy is highly unsuccessful and causes harmful side effects. More than 330,000 people and I agree that it should end, so should you.