Thoughts on Birth
Order Research
children are higher in achievement due to motivation from parental attention.
My parents are a big part of my life and are my motivation to be the best I can
be. According to the birth order research I am in the only child category which
shows traits I am supposed to relate to. For the most part I agree with the
birth order research.
Although I am
uncertain when approaching people, I am not uncertain about getting my work
done. One of the traits was that only children get along well with those older
or younger (but not the same age). I don’t really agree with this trait as I am
equally capable of befriending all age groups, but it depends on the person and
their personalities. It also depends if the person greets me first or if am
introduced to them, because I feel unwelcome if they don’t. For example, I meet
a lot of really awesome people through my cousins who I would never probably
meet without them. Another trait is that we are reliable and conscientious; this
is a trait that I agree with. When I am told to do something I always do it to
the best of my ability. For instance even though this past weekend was
practically consumed by homework I stayed up late to finish the draft to the
best of my ability. I will say I agree with most traits in the research, but
not all.
Although I’m
a perfectionist, I don’t procrastinate, and I am certainly not self-centered or
cold-blooded. The next trait says we procrastinate to relieve burden of
perfectionism. I partially agree with this statement as the littlest things
take a long time contemplate, but I am not a procrastinator. Things can be hard
sometimes but I know what I have to do and get it done. The other trait is we
are self-centered and cold-blooded. This is a trait I disagree with, my happiness
comes from being with people who are happy and that does not involve me being
cold-blooded or putting myself above others importance. I partially agree with
one point, and don’t agree with the other.
Sometimes I
think if I wasn’t so critical on myself life would be so much easier. This is a
trait I couldn’t agree anymore with. I always aim for the highest score I can
get with my expectations set high. If I don’t get what I think is a good grade,
an A or high B, I lose my composure a little. Sometimes its good thing to be
critical on yourself to keep your grades up, but sometimes it’s not so good,
especially when you have a lot of homework and twenty minute work turns into
forty minute work. This last trait is one that I very much agree with.
Being in
the only child category I agree with most of the traits from the research. I
believe that most of these researched traits accurately describe me. The
research has not really changed my views but has shown me a group of people
with similar traits.
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