Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar

1. a) The webinar was informative and indirectly persuasive as Foer said the book was not meant to turn people vegetarian but to inform people of the topic of eating animals.
    b) Jonathan Safran Foer
    c) Jonathan Safran Foer Webinar
d) 10-28-14
e) Today we watched and participated in a live stream of sorts with the author of Eating Animals, Jonathan Safran Foer. Foer started off the seminar on a brief description of the book by telling very little of the connection between food, animals, and the environment. After, we had a Q+A session where students asked him questions about the book.
f)(I) Foer's explanation for not eating meat is very interesting and as simple as "why would I kill something when I don't have to." I found this interesting as I am a vegetarian and when people ask me why I don't eat meat I reply with the same thing.
(II) A stand out moments is Foer's response to the question "How do you obtain the protein you need since you don't eat meat?" This is probably the most asked question for a vegetarian. Foer states vegetarians lead healthy and longer lasting lives opposed to meat eaters and Americans eat way too much meat, which is harmful.
(III)Another stand out moment was Foer's response to "If there were no factory farming would you eat meat?" He stated he would still be vegetarian as he himself finds it morally wrong to kill and eat animals if you don't have to, I definitely agree
(IV) An extra stand out moment was his prediction that in 10 years 50% of food choices will be vegetarian. I've thought about it and I can see it happening as well, and hopefully it does because there aer not many options, especially here in Santa Maria.
2. This webinar related to me in the fact that I am vegetarian and although it was barely persuasive or informative as I thought it would be, I agreed with all the answers to the Q+A such as the ones above.

Thursday, October 23, 2014

Latin Roots #5

Roots and Derivatives

  1. cent(i) (hundred): century, centipede, centennial, centigrade, centimeter
  2. cid(e) (cut,kill): homicide, incision, suicide, scissors, circumcise
  3. clam, claim (cry out, declare): clamor, exclaim, proclaim, disclaim
  4. cord, cour (heart): accord, courage, encouraged, cordiform, cordate
Word List

bicentennial:a,n:(related to) a celebration of a two hundredth anniversary: a, happening once in a period of two hundred or lasting two hundred years
        The bicentennial sight of the asteroid in orbit is amazing.
centenarian:n: a person who has lived to be one hundred
         The centenarian's birthday party was not very eventful as he could not move.
centurion:n,a: Roman officer commanding one hundred men: a, related to the military mind. especially as it favors military solutions for handling social problems
         A country ran by a centurion thinker would star a lot of wars.
clamorous:a: characterized by continuous loud and complaining voices: noisily complaining; insistent
        The clamorous crowd upset me as I had trouble hearing the musician.
concise:a:covering much in a few words; brief and to the point
        Concise lectures are the most beneficial to my learning.
concordance:n:a condition of harmony or agreement; an alphabetical index indicating reference passages, as from a writer's works
       The book contained a concordance of passages from the Bible.
cordial:a: of the heart: warm and friendly; amiable
       When I read the cordial valentines card I knew I have found love.
discordant:a: (sounding) harsh or inharmonious; clashing
       Sadly, the choir sounded discordant.
genocide:n: systematic extermination of an ethnic group
       Hitler is known for his genocide of the Jewish people.
incisive:a: keenly penetrating; cutting into
       The remarks that were made about me were incisive and i questioned myself.
proclamation:n: an official statement or announcement that informs or honors
      I attended the proclamation of academically excellent students last night.
reclaim:v: to claim again; to restore to former importance or usefulness
     The Declaration of Natural Rights reclaimed ideas of the Enlightenment.

Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Latin Roots #4

Roots and Derivatives

  1. bon, boun(good): bonus, bounty, bountiful, bonify, boon, bon voyage, bonhomie
  2. capit, capt(head, chief, leader): capital, captain, capitalize, decapitate, per capita, capitol
  3. carn(i)(flesh):Carnal, carnality, carnival, carnation, carnify
  4. ced(e), ceed, cess(go, yield, surrender): recede, proceed, sucess, concede, exceed, procession, unprecedented
Word List

accession:n: the attainment of a certain rank or dignity, an increase by means of something added; the act of becoming joined
        The accession of General is very honorable in the army.
bona fide:a: in good faith; genuine
        The apology was told in a bona fide manner so if forgave him.
bonanza:n: a sudden and unexpected source of money or riches; a windfall
         Hopefully, i will get my bonanza of work done so i could go out with my family.
bounteous:a: inclined to be generous;  plentiful and abundant
         The park has a bounteous amount of trees .
capitulation:n: a surrendering, usually upon prearranged terms or conditions; a final giving up
          In 1781, the British made a capitulation, and they separated from the colonies.
carnage:n: great slaughter, as in battle
         The carnage of the Spartans was brutal.
carnivorous:a: flesh-eating, as an animal
        T-rex's are very carnivorous animals who brutally killed their  prey
incarnate:a: literally, in the flesh; in bodily form; personified; flesh colored
         The substitute was so rude, it was like she was an incarnate of the devil.
intercede:v: to act on another's behalf; to  mediate
        A substitute teacher can act as a intercede for a teacher
precedent:n,a: a previous act or decision taken as a valid model; a, having gone before
        The Greeks model of government is a precedent in our modern government.
recapitulation:n: a brief repetition; a summary, as of what has already been said
         The recapitulation helped me understand the book.
reincarnation:n: a thing that is reborn, or comes back into being, although perhaps in a different(bodily) form
         If i was reincarnated I would want to be a type of bird.