Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Leopard Man Response Questions

9) Tom Leppard is called Leopard Man because his skin is tattooed to look like the skin of a leopard.

10) The author finds people who have piercing and tattoos unimpressive as he sees them as desperate for attention in society.

11) Leopard man is different from other non-conformists with tattoos and piercing because e doesn't act the way he does for attention, but genuinely enjoys living a secluded lifestyle.

12) Leopard Man lives in a small cabin in the Scottish wilderness.

13)According to Feyes, society fears what they don't understand, especially loners. He states they pursue their own values without seeking others' permission or permitting others to hamper them.

14) The " world's most prevalent and most pernicious psychological disorder" is conformity. Feyes states living in society we are pressured to conform opposed to being an individual, which can lead to the destruction of one's self.

15) Leopard Man is happy because he lives the way he wants to without societal pressures and people to ridicule him.

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