Monday, September 22, 2014

Latin Roots #3

Roots and Derivatives

  1. aud(it) (hear): audience, audition, audiovisual
  2. avi (bird): Aviation, aviatrix, avifauna
  3. bell(i) (war): rebellion, rebel, belligerent, postbellum
  4. ben(e) (Good, well): benefit, benevolent, benediction, benefice, benison
Word List

antebellum:a: before the war, especially the American Civil War, typical of how things were before any war
        The times of the antebellum were filled with debate on wheter or not to go to war.
audit:v,n: to attend a class only as a listener, not for credit; to check or examine a company's financial
records; n, the process of making such an examination
        The principal attended the class as an audit, examining the teachers lecturing skills.
auditory:a: related to the sense of hearing
        Her auditory skills were not up to par based on her note taking from the lecture
avian:a: characteristic of or pertaining two birds
        The Sci-Fi character had avian like characteristics, such as wings and a large beak.
aviary:n: an elaborate structure for housing birds
         The bird-like character lived in an aviary that provided all the necessities for her health.
avionics:n: the technology of(using) electronic equipment in aviation, missilery, and space flight
         In the future, more advanced avionics will allow us to do planet exploration.
bellicose:a: eager to fight or quarrel; hostile
         The bully was very bellicose and had almost picked a fight with everyone in school.
belligerency:n: the condition of warlike hostility; a hostile action
         The army known as ISIS is billigerent and has started a war with America.
benefactor:n: a person who gives another (financial) help; a patron
         Due to the family being in financial distress, their grandparents/parents became benefactors in    their finances.
beneficiary:n: one who receives a benefit(of payment), as from an insurance policy
         If you stay safe and out of trouble you can become a beneficiary of your auto insurance.
benign:a: not malignant; gracious and kindly; good natured
         A person that has greater caring parents is more likely to be benign.
inaudible:a: unable to heard
        The youth is sometimes inaudible in serious discussions due to them being just "children".

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