Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Mythology: Cupid & Psyche

Main Characters:
  • Cupid(Eros): god of love and desire; tall, blonde, and handsome; mischievous and causes trouble with his love inducing arrows
  • Psyche: super beautiful princess; very curious, which sometimes leads to trouble, and also brave and determined; later becomes the goddess of the soul
  • Aphrodite(Venus): goddess of beauty and love(even though she was quite hateful in this story); vain and evil
  • Cupid's Palace: A luxurious gold, silver, and ivory palace, with exquisitely maintained gardens, crystal-clear fountains. Not to mention the twenty-four hour gourmet kitchen and invisible servants.
  • The Underworld: Another setting, where Psyche has to complete her final task to get Persephone's box of beauty.
  • Mt. Olympus: Where Cupid takes Psyche to become a goddess.
Main Plot:
        The Main plot of the story is to get Psyche to marry a monstrous looking creature so she will be frowned upon instead of praised for her beauty. The plot was set by Aphrodite and intended to be executed by Cupid, her son, but distracted he pricked himself with his own arrow causing him to fall in love with her. Eventually, Cupid and Psyche get married, and Psyche gets the gift of immortality.

Main Conflict:
        The main conflict is that Cupid ends up falling in love with Psyche, due to pricking himself with his arrow, even though his mother hates Psyche.

Attempt to Explain:
         This myth attempts to explain the human flaw of of jealousy and being vain.

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